Broadcast Date: Thursday, August 7, 2014
7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific—BBS Radio, Station One, found here.
In tribute to our sponsor, Calvary Hospital, we present an encore presentation of Part 1 of our radio portrait of Calvary Hospital; our interview with Stephanie Mastropaolo—coordinator of the Family Care center at Calvary.
Stephanie Mastropaolo is a licensed master of social work and has worked at Calvary as a social worker since 2005. As the Coordinator of the Family Care Center, Ms. Mastropaolo is responsible for organizing and implementing all services and programs housed in the FCC. She is available to provide one-on-one counseling to family members of Calvary inpatients. Additionally, she facilitates various support groups for family members. Ms. Mastropaolo collaborates with community resources, bringing them in to Calvary Hospital to educate family members to their services. Ms. Mastropaolo was graduated from The George Washington University in Washington, DC with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and from Hunter College where she received her Master of Social Work degree, majoring in Group Work.