Thursday, April 10, 2014
7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific—BBS Radio, Station One, found here.
For the first time, we welcome Kris Black, graphic designer and author of Squarespace 6 for Dummies. Kris has an interest in all things geeky, whether it's the latest announcement from Apple, or learning the latest technique in web design. He and his wife, Stacey, have two awesome kids and two lazy hound dogs.
In addition to Kris' work for black&hue, he is also the author of Squarespace 6 For Dummies, a book about using Squarespace, an online publishing platform for building websites. Read more about his book and his other interests on his website, Kris Black Studio, a collection of his creative work and ideas.
Squarespace 6 for Dummies can be found here.